
For gcanvas is designed to follow web canvas API, find details of each API in




  • Implemented: API is implemented .
  • Undefined: API is not defined.
  • Empty: API is defined but not implemented.


API Name API Type Status
fillStyle Attribute getter/setter Implemented
strokeStyle Attribute getter/setter Implemented
shadowColor Attribute getter/setter Undefined
shadowBlur Attribute getter/setter Undefined
shadowOffsetX Attribute getter/setter Undefined
shadowOffsetY Attribute getter/setter Undefined
createLinearGradient() Method Implemented
createPattern() Method Implemented
createRadialGradient() Method Implemented
addColorStop() Method Implemented
isPointInPath() Method Empty
createEvent() Method Undefined
toDataURL() Method Undefined
lineCap Attribute getter/setter Implemented
lineJoin Attribute getter/setter Implemented
lineWidth Attribute getter/setter Implemented
miterLimit Attribute getter/setter Implemented
font Attribute getter/setter Implemented
textAlign Attribute getter/setter Implemented
textBaseline Attribute getter/setter Implemented
globalAlpha Attribute getter/setter Implemented
globalCompositeOperation Attribute getter/setter Implemented
rect() Method Implemented
fillRect() Method Implemented
strokeRect() Method Implemented
clearRect() Method Implemented
fill() Method Implemented
stroke() Method Implemented
beginPath() Method Implemented
moveTo() Method Implemented
closePath() Method Implemented
lineTo() Method Implemented
clip() Method Implemented
quadraticCurveTo() Method Implemented
bezierCurveTo() Method Implemented
arc() Method Implemented
arcTo() Method Implemented
scale() Method Implemented
rotate() Method Implemented
translate() Method Implemented
transform() Method Implemented
setTransform() Method Implemented
fillText() Method Implemented
strokeText() Method Implemented
measureText() Method Empty
drawImage() Method Implemented
createImageData() Method Implemented
getImageData() Method Implemented
putImageData() Method Implemented
save() Method Implemented
restore() Method Implemented
getContext() Method Implemented
loadTexture() Method Implemented
unloadTexture() Method Implemented
resetTransform() Method Implemented
render() Method Implemented
capture() Method Empty
resetClip() Method Implemented

2.ImageData APIs

API Name API Type Status
width Attribute getter/setter Implemented
height Attribute getter/setter Implemented
data Attribute getter/setter Undefined
src Attribute getter/setter Implemented
complete Attribute getter/setter Implemented